What is Rolfing Structural Integration?
Connective tissue (or fascia) surrounds and supports every organ, every bone, and every muscle in your body. The fascia in your foot continues on into your leg, like the long power cord of a vacuum cleaner going from one room of your house into another room. From your leg, it travels up to every other part of your body, including inside your head. This is one continuous, seamless network of tissue connecting the entire body, not a group of separate segments that are just hanging on to each other.
Over time, and throughout life's experiences, that connective tissue can get bound up and disorganized. Because it is the same network of tissue throughout your whole body, an imbalance in the foot might cause pain in the shoulder. In fact, the areas we feel the discomfort are usually not the areas that need help. Just like when there's a kink in a garden hose, we notice the problem by the change in water flow at the end of the hose. To get the water flowing again, we have to get the kink out of the hose, not try to fix the end of it.
That's what Rolfing SI does; it gets the kinks out of your fascial system. But the human body is much more complex than a simple garden hose, so just knowing how to "fix" a kink isn't enough. Rolfing SI helps you systematically organize the fascia in your body so you can feel better and move more freely.
Over a series of 10 progressive sessions, we work to gradually increase your support, adaptability, and balance. Each session focuses on a different area of the body and reinforces the work done in previous sessions. This is hands-on work and requires participation from both the Rolfer and the client.